Growth of Social Media for Restaurant Advertising

by Restaurant Fan Expert on December 1, 2011

Social media has become the most popular form of advertising that one can find.  Being posted about or tweeted about will raise brand awareness instantly!  Restaurants that can get their customers to use these means will find that their business will increase (assuming, of course, that the feedback is positive).  So, how can social media be harnessed as a productive advertising method?  Here are a few ways that it can be used.

Encourage your customers to follow you by using social media.  You can do this by offering incentives and online coupons to “followers” or those who “like” your page.  Be sure to designate a staff person to respond to tweets, posts, questions, etc. so that current information is always in the forefront on social pages.  Not staying active and current with social media can make it completely useless.  This may mean simply posting a daily or weekly special to keep your brand and your business in the front of your customers’ minds.

Have drawings or contests for small freebies—these prizes do not have to be expensive or big, but just enough to get customers in the door, or at least thinking about your business so that next time they are out and about they are more likely to stop in and more likely to mention your brand to friends.

The power of social media is growing rapidly.  Marketing research shows that the use of apps and smart phones is exponentially growing, which provides businesses with new tools and avenues for attracting customers.  When apps are combined with microblogging sites like Facebook and Twitter, the possibilities are limitless.

Successful businesses, particularly restaurants since there are so many to choose from, will aggressively pursue the business of the social media clientele.  With the use of social media so significantly on the rise, this is a surefire way to get more exposure.

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